Recent Installations

Sudbury MA Here is an example of the most basic filtration/softening system design. For chlorinated town water or well water, we use the correct cartridge type in order to protect the softener from resin oxidation and sediment fouling. This simple design is used when protection of the plumbing infrastructure is the main goal. Even this most basic design will dramatically improve water quality. It will eliminate the necessity of costly, annual descaling of any tankless systems. It will prevent hard scale and iron/manganese staining from ruining tile work, shower glass, shower heads, valves, dishwashers and plumbing systems in general. Glasses emerge from dishwashers crystal clear. Homeowners report fluffier laundry as well as improved skin and hair. Softeners are known to pay for themselves so it is wise to install one before damage is done.

Sudbury MA Here we have our “standard install” for water softening and whole house purification for an average sized home. The “Duo” which follows the softener will house carbon cartridges that are tailored to the type of water entering the home. The type of carbon, as well as micron ratings are considered. Every effort is made to achieve the purest water possible for this type of system, while at the same time, extending the necessary service intervals up to 1 year. This system can usually purify up to 80,000 gallons before service is needed.

Wellesley MA This softening/PFAS/PFOA system was installed for a family of 4. These “forever chemicals” are not easily removed by just any filter. Any form of activated carbon will “reduce” PFAS/PFOA. Our NSF Certified Systems remove 97.9% @ 5 GPM per housing. Numerous post installation tests have resulted in zero parts per trillion detected. Multiple housings are needed for higher flow rates as is the case here. The sophisticated form of catalytic carbon used in these filters also removes/reduces hundreds of other dangerous impurities at astounding rates. Lead, for example, in both soluable and insoluble forms is removed at 99.7% which actually beats reverse osmosis, which, prior to this technology, was the gold standard for lead removal. Post installation lead testing showed 0 ppb detected.

Weston MA Here we have a design that takes into account the heavy sediment load in many parts of Weston. The twin stainless steel tanks filter the water down to crystal clear, sub micron purity. This helps to keep good flow rates available even when cartridges are loaded with whatever comes in from the street pipes. The following cartridge tanks are NSF Standard 53 Health Certified for effective removal of Chlorine, Chloramine, Lead, PFOA PFAS and will reduce hundreds of other impurities.

Sudbury MA This system was designed for a family of 5 with 6 bedrooms and 6 full bathrooms. This is virtually the same 24 GPM design as the previous photo. This installation also includes a matched 24 GPM UV Sterlizer seen on the left. The water quality from this type of system is pretty amazing. Showering and bathing is is like going back 500 years when water was naturally pristine pure and free of the many manmade pollutants now present. It actually feels like silk. This is likely purer than most bottled water. Each cartridge in the 3 tanks can filter the equivalent of 1 Million 12 ounce plastic bottles without those nasty micro plastics.

Natick MA This installation adds one post softening filter housing. This usually includes a carbon block cartridge of varying design. Even this minor addition can create reasonably pure drinking water throughout your home. Much depends on the quality of the raw water entering your home and what impurities you are trying to remove.

Millis MA Toll Bros home. Here we have a softener and an NSF Health Standard 53 Certified PFAS/PFOA System. Because only one person lives in this home, a single 5 GPM service flow, PFAS/PFOA tank was installed at the customers request. When considering flow rates, water systems can be designed for either the home, with all bedrooms/bathrooms occupied, or, for the number of persons who live there at the time of installation. Budget permitting, it’s always best to size systems to the home and it’s potential peak GPM flow rates.

Newton MA This higher purity water system was installed in a 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom home. Not shown are 2 Stainless Steel pre-filter floor tanks located in a different room. Parallel or “reverse return” plumbing design provides up to a 32 GPM flow rate. Newton uses MWRA sourced water which is just 2 Grain hardness so a softener was not needed. Our NSF Standard 53 Health Certified cartridge tank systems are a wiser choice than the older, non certified, lead-lag, loose carbon tank design. Our “whole system” certification requires every gallon used, to be measured and logged in with green-yellow-red LED spent cartridge warnings. Specific removal percentages at specific flow rates is only possible with this type of system. This technology obviates the need for very costly testing to see if and when PFAS/PFOA “bleed through” has occurred. It is ultimately peace of mind for both the homeowner and the crew at ThinkPure!

Wellesley MA This comprehensive filtration/softening system was installed in a 6 bedroom, 8 bathroom home. We designed this for a 24 GPM peak flow rate. Twin softeners with pre and post sub micron Stainless Steel filter tanks prepare water for a trio of NSF Health Standard 53 cartridge tanks. At ThinkPure, we take the greatest pride in expert and unmatched installation quality using our rugged SharkFin panel system. For water supply, we plumb only in copper, lead free brass and Stainless Steel. For domestic water, no plastic piping will ever be used in our installations for a number of reasons.

Acton MA This installation was done during major renovations of a 5 bedroom, 7 bathroom home with a family of 6. The homeowner was concerned over the PFAS PFOA notices from the town. Acton water is hard and loaded with iron and high manganese which is completely corrected with the twin softeners. The low incoming 40 psi water pressure was corrected with a variable speed booster pump seen on left. It was set for 65 psi and can keep this pressure, or up to 80 p.s.i., constant up to 31.5 GPM. This means the whole family can shower at the same time with no loss of pressure/volume even with laundry going. This of course assumes adequate meter capacity and pipe size from the street.
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