Recent Installations

TPW installed this Cambridge MA water filter system for a family of four. First, a combo sediment/carbon filter was installed to remove particulate and chlorine. Next is a 2 Cube softener to address the 8 Grain Hardness. The larger filter on the left is a 2.5 Cube activated coconut shell carbon tank with 75 lbs of media to create virtual spring water throughout the home. TPW installed blocking and plywood panels to insure everything could be securely mounted and safe for decades to come. A 5 stage Reverse Osmosis drinking/cooking water filter was also installed. All TPW installs are entered into our Auto-Notify Maintenance Service. All filters are dated, cartridges and media identified and correct valve positions clearly indicated.

In this Dover MA installation, TPW replaced aging equipment with a new sediment filter, a 1.5 Cube pH Neutralizer and a 2 Cube water softener. Test results showed 6 Grains of hardness, iron and manganese as well as low 6.9 pH raw water. 45 ppb ( parts per billion ) of lead was also detected at the tank draw off. It was detirmined that the lead was leeching from the older well tank-T manifold which was replaced by TPW with new lead free parts. A 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis drinking/cooking water filter system was also installed with an additional re-mineralizer. The homeowners were happy and grateful to have all their water problems solved.

Winchester MA whole house water filter. This unit was installed in a new construction home for a family of four. Wall mounted, cartridge type systems are often installed when there is no viable location to dispose of backwash water from floor type tanks or when wasting water is not desired. In this installation, a 3 valve bypass set up was cut into the 1-1/4″ FlowGard CPVC piping to isolate the system for servicing. The US sourced cartridges remove/reduce chlorine, chloramines and hundreds of other contaminates.

This Holliston MA water purification / conditioning filter system was installed for a family of 4. The homeowners were concerned with the problems of iron and manganese staining of their laundry as well as the disinfectant chemicals and other impurities in the town water. After testing and analysis, this system was engineered to correct all issues. With just 45 psi pressure, we installed a Grunflos variable speed pump set to 65 psi. Correcting the water pressure was a huge plus for the family. From right to left: a sediment/carbon combo filter, a pH Neutralizer, a water softener and a 2 Cube Activated Coconut Shell carbon filter tank. The finished water quality is outstanding and the homeowners are super happy with the results.

TPW installed this comprehensive filter system 8 years ago in Natick MA for a home wellness spa. TPW just replaced the Reverse Osmosis unit with a new and more efficient Pentair 5 stage system. Whole House water is purified with the triple blue housings. Natick 7 Grain Hardness is conditioned by the TAC Scale Control Media in the black floor tank. This TAC unit has proven its worth as the heavily used MrSteam Generator has has been working flawlessly without any need of service. These units will fail if water hardness levels are not addressed. A Viqua UV Sterilizer unit insures no bacteria or viruses will ever enter the home.

This water filtration/conditioning system was installed in Dedham MA for a family of 5 who just relocated from Switzerland where their water came right out of a mountain, untreated, and flowed right into their home. Dedham has moderately hard water as well as the usual addition of disinfectant chemicals. A sediment/carbon combo filter was installed ( behind right tank ) to remove dirt and chlorine. The smaller tank on the right is a 1.5 Cube Water Softener. The middle tank is a 2 Cube Activated Coconut Shell Carbon tank. The family was amazed with the transformation of their water into spring-like purity. TPW also installed a Reverse Osmosis filter for cooking and drinking water.

In this new construction home in Hopkinton MA, Radon in Water was tested at 22,500 pCi/L. The EPA considers the safe Maximum Contaminate Level to be 10,000 pCi/L. Being more cautious, some New England states have far lower MCL’s. Higher levels of Radon in Water can be extremely dangerous as this radioactive gas is breathed in while bathing or showering. Quality Aeration units like the one above reduce radon by 99.5%. Plumbing in these units is pretty straightforward but venting through the roof can be a challenge. 3″ PVC piping should be installed during construction but most often is not. Call TPW as early as possible when building new construction homes in areas with known high levels of radon.

This filter/conditioning system was installed in Wellesley MA a few years ago. With a 1.5″ water main, 8 bathrooms and multi-port showers, we needed to be sure of sufficient water flow during peak demand times. These Flowmaster Stainless Steel tanks have 2″ ports and can flow at up to 60 Gallons Per Minute. The black tank is a 7.5 liter salt-free, TAC Scale Control System to neutralize the 7 to 8 Grain Hardness. This home was sold and the buyers previous residence was just 2 streets away in the same town. Inheriting this filter system, the new residents were amazed that their glasses emerged crystal clear from the dishwasher! We explained to them that this is one of the many benefits of installing a TAC Scale Control System. TPW was happy to hear unsolicited compliments vindicating TAC efficiency.

TPW installed this filter system for well water in an Ashland MA home with high hardness at 20 Grains Per Gallon. The well expansion tank was also replaced and a 5 Stage Reverse Osmosis drinking/cooking water system was installed. High hardness is usually accompanied by iron and manganese. Water Softeners work with amazing efficiency to remove these troublesome water issues. TPW takes great pride in completing quality installs. When installed in the basement, RO storage tanks should be placed as high up as possible to keep strong water flow at the faucet.

Whole House Purification with Water Softener – S. Natick MA. A job well done and a happy customer. We at TPW are obsessed with perfection in our installs. Plumbing Inspectors often comment on the excellent planning and methods we use to complete an install. Every install is carefully thought out to minimize the amount of piping needed and the intrusion into the homes living space.

Whole House Purification w/ Salt-Free Scale Control System Sudbury MA. This homeowner is a healthcare professional and recently moved into a new home. Chlorine is known to react chemically with CPVC Piping so it was necessary to remove it for this reason as well. As long as the raw water is kept above 7 Ph, copper is probably the safest piping for a home.

West Townsend MA Sediment Filtration – pH Neutralizer – Water Softener. With a heavy sediment load as well as high ferric iron levels, TPW replaced an undersized sediment filter with a modern FlowMaster Stainless floor tank with 12x the capacity. A pH Neutralizer and water softener were also installed. All new plumbing was completed in 1.25″ Viega ProPress Solderless fittings. The family of 4 were totally satisfied with the results.

During this project in Hopkinton MA, TPW and Black Dog Plumbing replaced non working equipment with a new water softener, Ph neutralizer and sediment filter. The low ph water was creating pinhole leaks in the copper plumbing pipes and caused leaks in the well water expansion tank which was also replaced. The homeowner was thrilled as we were able to solve all the water related problems in a timely fashion. All old equipment was recycled at E.L.Harvey in Westborough MA.

In this Lincoln MA water filter / softening system there were high levels of hardness, manganese, iron, 2 different bacteria types as well as cloudy water. This required a backwashable sediment filter as well as a 5 and 1 micron sediment filter to be 100% sure clear water enters the UV Sterilizer. The homeowner did not want to chlorine shock the well for health reasons. A ph neutralizer and a 2 cube softener were also needed to neutralize the low Ph and soften the 10 grain hardness raw water.

This system was installed for a family with young children who just moved into a home in Sudbury MA. This municipal water is sourced from a combined group of wells and was very hard @ 12 grains. Sediment, chlorine and other disinfectant related chemicals are removed with the triple housing. A 2 cube softener was used to be sure of effective softening. The family was totally satisfied with the results.

A Comprehensive Health Scan of water sampled from this Lincoln MA home revealed, unknown to the homeowner, radon in water @ 124,500 pc/l. This amount is 12.5 x the safe level. All wells should be tested for radon in water. Along with new conditioning, softening equipment and a quality built radon removal machine, the radon in water was reduced by 99.4% as shown by post install testing. Activated carbon was used to virtually eliminate the remaining radon. High levels of radon in water can be extremely dangerous to ones health. This photo was taken before the electrician installed the code required 4 gang GFi protected & designated outlet. The family was greatful for TPW’s rapid response, testing turnaround, system engineering and pro installation.

Wellesley MA whole house water filter with salt free scale control. In this new construction home, TPW installed our WH3500IT filter with cartridges suited to Wellesley town water. TAC Scale Control systems (tank on right) have proven effective as an alternative to traditional salt softeners. Owners of homes plumbed in CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride aka FlowGuard) should consider removing chlorine as it is known to react with this type of piping causing the formation of very toxic chemicals.

5 Stage 75 Gallon Per Day Under Sink Reverse Osmosis System in Natick MA. This easy change system can also be fitted with a PH Neutralizer/Remineralizer. A choice of quality faucets is available. Basement installations are always the preferred location but, under sink installs can still leave some room for storage. Shown is a 30″ sink base cabinet and the remaining usable storage space.

This filter system was installed in Framingham, MA in a new construction home with a private well. The water was excellent except for 2 types of bacteria and a moderate sediment load. With correct sediment cartridges installed, the UV Sterilizer Unit will neutralize all potentially harmful pathogens. Annual service intervals are counted down by a digital display from 365 days, An audible alarm is triggered when service is needed. UV bulbs typically last just beyond 1 year. All TPW customers go on our Auto-Notify-Service but these units have a failsafe as they must be serviced before bulb failure.

As a Water Purification Vendor for Harvard University, TPW installed a high volume Reverse Osmosis System with engineered specs for the new Biolounge at the Biological Labratories building in Cambridge MA These expensive machines have very specific water requirements or will fail quickly.

This Weston, MA water filter installation required a sturdy wall section with a plywood panel to be built. The new owners, a young family of 3, with a 4th on the way were concerned about the water quality. Weston MWRA water, sourced from Quabbin Reservoir, is virtually soft, at just 1 to 2 Grain Per Gallon. With no softener needed, TPW focused on removing/reducing the disinfectant chemicals and the usual variety of toxic contaminates always found in municipal waters. The floor tank is designed to remove or reduce trace amounts of numerous, persistent impurities. The water throughout the home is now outstanding quality, with a spring water like taste and feel. A Reverse Osmosis drinking/cooking water filter was also installed at the kitchen sink.

Think Pure Water team on-site during Sanford Builders construction of 10 bathroom home in Southborough MA for Whole House and 7 Satellite Filter Systems. The homeowner, the Sanford team and TPW planned the water purification system early and achieved all goals. TPW works with a number of fine home builders to address the needs of their clients. Water samples are lab tested and all equipment is specified by a Certified Water Specialist.

Whole House Purification w/ satellite fluoride reduction/removal plumbed to kitchen sinks, fridge & ice maker in Wellesley MA. A surprising number of educated and aware families, especially those with small children, have come to understand the health hazards of drinking and bathing in fluoridated water.
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