Sep 16, 2019 | Water Softening, Whole House Water Filtration

Water Softener – Whole House Carbon Filtration Wellesley MA
Wellesley MA water is sourced from a group of 10 different wells. Although the water is only moderately hard at 6 grains per gallon, it has the usual variety of disinfectant chemicals and a pretty heavy sediment load. TPW has quite a few installs in town and can testify to the water’s condition. Without a softener or salt free TAC scale control system, heating and plumbing equipment will become badly affected by hard scale. The filter setup below begins with our WH3500-IT Whole House Trio Unit. Water enters on the right and all particulate down to 5 microns is captured by the sediment cartridge. With a clear housing, you can see what is going on. They don’t stay white for long. In the next two housings we use 2 different types of natural activated coconut shell carbon blocks that produce spring water-like quality throughout the home. Next the water passes through an Ion Exchange Softener which leaves the water extremely luxurious. If you have no filtration or softener and install both, you are in for a real treat! We have actually had reports of persistent skin conditions clearing up completely but no health claims are made here. This system is sized for modest sized home. Other sizes and types of filter systems are available. We carry over 20 brands of filtration equipment. Call TPW for a free in home or place of business consultation @ 508.272.6636.
Sep 15, 2019 | Water Softening & Filtration, Whole House Water Filtration

Water Softener and Filtration – Sudbury MA
This Sudbury MA installation was installed for a growing family of 4 who moved into a bigger, 5 bedroom home in the same town. In this install we utilized the modern, solderers Viega ProPress System. TPW engineered the flow rate for 16 gallon per minute peak use by using 1.25″ piping and a 1.25″ control head. Water first enters an Italian made 4.5″ x 20″ housing with a hybrid sediment/carbon filter cartridge. This filter removes sediment/dirt, chlorine and the brunt of chemical impurities. This filter is replaced every 12 months and protects the softener resin from chlorine fouling. Next is a 2 cube, cation resin water softener which removes calcium, magnesium and staining minerals, iron & manganese. Next is a top loading single cartridge filter tank that will produce virtual spring water like quality throughout the home. Showering and bathing in water of this purity is an amazing experience and is an essential ingredient for overall wellness. This cartridge is replaced every 150,000 gallons or every 24 months. The homeowners are super happy and feel safe drinking water from anywhere in the home. Call us for a free, in home or place of business visit and consultation @ 508.272.6636
” Chlorine is used to disinfect water. Exposure through inhalation, ingestion and contact will cause eye, skin and airway irritation, sore throat, cough and corrosive tissue damage of the gastrointestinal tract. Children are at increased risk due to greater lung surface to body weight ratios.”
New York State Department of Health
Sep 15, 2019 | Salt Free Scale Control, Water Softening & Filtration

Water Filtration / Salt Free Scale Control – Natick MA
In this Natick MA installation, TPW replaced an older salt based water softener with a comprehensive new filter/conditioning system. The family no longer desired to keep up with the transporting of salt and filling the bin. After testing for maximum levels of certain impurities, we were able to green light the use a salt free scale prevention media in the system design. Water flows from right to left and is first filtered through an Italian made housing containing a hybrid, 4.5″ x 20″ sediment/carbon combo cartridge. This captures dirt and sediment but also the brunt of disinfectant chemicals and acts as a sacrificial replaceable filter cartridge to protect the main filters. Water now enters a backwashable, 2.5 cube, activated coconut shell carbon tank with 75 lbs of media. The water is now transformed into virtual spring water quality with hundreds of chemicals/impurities removed or dramatically reduced. Finally the purified water passes through a 2 cube filter tank with 6.5 liters of FilterSorb SP3 scale prevention media. TPW uses the original made in Germany, FilterSorb media. The family was completely satisfied with the results. Call us for a free in home or place of business consultation @ 508.272.6636.
Sep 10, 2019 | Water Softening & Filtration

Whole House Water Filtration / Water Softening – Dedham MA
Dedham MA water is sourced from a group of wells and is considered moderately hard at around 7 grains per gallon. Levels of iron and manganese, which can cause staining of plumbing fixtures and laundry are present in virtually all well water. Dedham uses chlorine as a disinfectant which produces a number of byproduct chemicals which are hazardous to ingest, breath in or absorb while showering or bathing. Numerous manmade pollutants in towns like Dedham find their way into water systems. In this west of Boston, town water installation, raw water first flows through a hybrid sediment/carbon combo filter. Water softeners must be protected from chlorine. Next is a 1.5 cube softener. The larger tank on the left is a 2 cube activated coconut shell carbon filtration tank. Your whole house water will be transformed into virtual spring water in one day. We at ThinkPureWater are Natick MA based and known for the most professional and rugged installations in the industry. If no wall is available, we will build one. Complete water testing and engineering services are available. We carry and stock over 20 brands of quality equipment. Call us for an in home or place of business consultation at 508.272.6636
Sep 10, 2019 | Whole House Water Filtration

Whole House Water Filtration Installation – Newton MA
TPW installed this water filter system in the Waban section of Newton MA for a young family of 4 during a kitchen addition. We were recommended by the builder. Newton uses MWRA water sourced from Quabbin Reservoir so a softener was not needed. The above system was designed to remove/reduce all disinfectant chemicals and their byproducts as well as trace amounts of hundreds of other impurities. Water first flows through a single housing with a hybrid sediment/carbon cartridge. This sacrificial cartridge protects the main backwashable carbon filter tank from the brunt of pollutants giving it a long lifetime. The main filter tank contains 75 lbs (2.5 cubes) of catalytic carbon which produces outstanding spring water like quality throughout the home.. For further polishing of drinking and cooking water, we choose the Italian made Sanic Duo housing with natural antibacterial ionic silver impregnation. Cartridges are chloramine carbon block followed by an advanced KDF55 cartridge for heavy metals removal/reduction. Water from this filter is plumbed directly to the cold water side of the main sink faucet and pot filler. The family was super happy with the install, water taste and purity. With a dozen brands of plastic bottled water found to contain arsenic and micro-plastic particles, its just common sense to install your own quality filter system. Call us at 508.272.6636 for an appointment.